Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Journal Pages

A few years ago (actually probably more than a few) there were some journal pages in the Friend that you fill out each month. We started filling these out way back then and now we make up our own. This is really great because each month you have at least one easy FHE lesson ready to go. We just type up 5 or 6 questions that pertain to that month and print it out and then the kids fill it in or we write down their answers for them. Around General Conference time we might ask questions about the prophet or something they learned. In the summer we ask about what they have been doing and what they enjoyed the most. We ask questions about their friends or what activities they are doing or their favorite foods. They really enjoy it and so do we!
Recently we found some of these old journal entries and spent an FHE reading over them and laughing about the cute things everybody said. It's amazing how you forget about the little details of life after just a couple of years. This is a great way to keep some family history and have fun at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. That is such a great idea! I love it. I wrote it down and will hopefully remember it for years to come...
