Tuesday, October 27, 2009

An Act of Violation

I'm feeling so violated! My van was broken into last night at Monroe Middle School. I was with Savannah at her volleyball practice last night between 6:30 and 8pm and when I came out the back side window was smashed in and my purse was gone. I had hidden my purse, as usual, but they found it and went straight to Macy's and spent $300. I'm not liable for that, but that doesn't mean this event isn't headache free. Dan and I were on the phone canceling cards and finding out about fraud protection for 3 hours, then I did have a headache. Now we get to take our van in to get the window fixed too. Meanwhile I have to drive it around with none other than a plastic garbage bag and duct tape adornment. Very ghetto-chic!


  1. Okay that really sucks. I know just how you feel. We had our car broken into twice and each time they took my stereo!!! Plus last week we found that someone had gotten my bank account number and had taken money out somewhere in Colorado! I understand the fraud protection. Sorry that it happened to you.

  2. Wow, Lori, that's awful! Nice of them to head straight off to go shopping!!!!

  3. MACY'S??? How random ~~
    That sucks Lori! Hope you don't have to look ghetto-chic for too long!
